Relapsin’ At Camarillo

Relapsin' At Camarillo

Relapsin' At Camarillo

(on either the lips or the tongue)
is the only difference between relaxing and relapsing.
“One symptom of living in the chaos of addiction can be that we create mountains out of every molehill we come across,”
But the bluebird on the lawn simply walked around the tiny mound.
Another bird once said, “Don’t play the saxophone.  Let it play you.”
That is my main problem-
when I put my lips around that bottle, my embouchure is all wrong:

I have no control.

When I woke up,
The doctors were trying to distinguish between suicidal and symptomatic behavior;
Charlie Parker switched from major to minor seventh chord;
I was Relaxin’ at Camarillo, and the IV cord in my wrist looked an awful lot like the fine line between relaxing and relapsing.